Sponsorship Invitation

For any business or organization seeking to reach out to spiritually conscious women and men, sponsorship of this Global Grid will considerably boost your visibility.
In 2021, we anticipate more than 150 Sacred Ceremonies around the world though the numbers could well be higher.
We expect upwards of 25,000 hits on the website throughout the promotion of the event, plus more hits after the event. Higher level sponsors will also be recognized in the emails announcing the Global Grid and on the FaceBook event page (which receives significant traffic).
This promotional opportunity will support your organization’s capacity to reach a diverse audience of people committed to the full manifestation of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine around the world!
Sponsorship will fund the following expenses:
• Website and E-Newsletter Support - $1150
• Administrative expenses - $3900
• Video Production - $950
Sponsorship Levels:
Daisy (for Authors & Artists): $125
Small Logo with live link on website homepage.
Dahlia: $375
Medium Logo with live link on website homepage.
Two mentions on Facebook permanent page (with logo and description) and link to your organization.
Two mentions on Facebook event page (with logo and description) and link to your organization.
Mention on the Eventbrite Page with Live Link and description.
Rose: $575
Large Logo (and option of 20 words description) with live link on website homepage.
Four mentions on Facebook permanent page (with logo and description) and link to your organization
Four mentions on Facebook event page (with logo and description) and link to your organization
Three mentions with Logo and live link in 1000 Goddesses Gathering Global Grid newsletters
Logo with website at end of one of the 1000 Goddesses Gathering Global Grid promotional videos.
Mention on the Eventbrite Page with Live Link and description.
Contact Mare Cromwell, Global Grid Co-Webweaver, directly HERE for more information. Thank you!

Glastonbury, U.K., Ceremony, 2020